This is how you can recognize the deficiency of B12 in your body through your legs.

One nutrient that is vital to human health is vitamin B12. It is vital for our nervous system's functioning properly and aids in the production of red blood cells.

You may face so many body problems because of B12 deficiency in your body. Some of which have a direct impact on the foot. Here we will discuss how can you recognize the deficiency of B12 by itself. Some such symptoms that you may experience. Which can be seen in your feet due to B12 deficiency.

1. Experiencing Foot pain, tingling, and numbness in legs.

B12 is an essential vitamin for the nervous system. Its deficiency can cause bone damage, resulting in tingling and numbness. Additionally, there may also be injuries to the toes, heels, or soles of the feet.

2. Leg weakness and loss of balance while walking and running

Sometimes you may experience Loss of balance in the legs. It can also result from vitamin B12 deficiency since it damages the nerves. Fall risk is increased by this and the significantly increased high chances of getting sprain in the legs.

3. Foot discoloration

Sometimes you may experience Foot discoloration. Pale feet may be an indication of a vitamin B12 deficiency. Your feet may suffer from red rashes as well.

4. Long-term persistence of wounds, sprain, and bruise on the legs. B12 deficiency can reduce the potency of wounds and sprains to heal. You may experience long-term persistence of any kind of wounds on your legs.

5. Experiencing other symptoms of vitamin B12

Due to a deficiency of Vitamin B12, other symptoms can also be seen in the body Such as anxiety, Depression, Mouth ulcers, and weakening of memory, etc.



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